Pregnant Pause - Reflections on Depression During Pregnancy

A young mom shares her experiences with depression during pregnancy.

See my current blog at Three Stairs.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Last week ended with three green dots in a row - hurrah!! Once he got home, it was another story - the fits, etc were in full force. We'll see how this week goes. Yesterday was a school holiday, so I'm wondering how he'll do with the longer break between classes.

I've developed monstrous heartburn that nothing relieves, and I'm out of the heartburn pills that were helping minimally. I'm going to talk to the doctor Friday about getting on Nexium. It's the only thing that worked while I was pregnant with Sarah, and it worked like a charm - oh to drink orange juice and eat tomato sauce without the dragon lurking!

As if peeing and heartburn all night weren't enough to keep me sleep deprived, I've got some sort of sinus thing going on that's giving me headaches and making me fuzzy. I went to bed at 11:30 last night, woke at 1:00 with Michael and Brandon, 2:15 with Michael and Sarah, then 4:00 on my own. The last time I tossed and turned for 45 minutes before I gave in and got up. I did get four purses cut out, though. I even got one made before I took Brandon to school. I'm going to try to get as many made as I can before Friday so I can take them with me to my appointment and maybe sell one or two. That would be lovely.

I hope this apparent insomnia is short-lived, if not non-existent. Maybe it was just my brain going about selling purses combined with the sinus medicine wearing off. Maybe it's preparation for Bethany being here...maybe it's hell on earth....hmmm - that must be it.


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